Engineering a better supply chain: Expect more from your metal finishing partners


Engineering a better supply chain: Expect more from your metal finishing partners

Throughout the manufacturing supply chain; from OEM through tiers 1, 2 and 3 there are suppliers who excel by delivering outstanding customer service. We like to count ourselves as one of these at Surface Technology (Surface Technology recognised for outstanding service by OneSubsea) but to be customer focused; understand and deliver – while always aiming to exceed – what your customers want, is not easy and requires a dedicated approach from all levels within the business.


As an applicator of surface coatings we operate in an industry short of positive perception from OEMs, design engineers and quality engineers alike. Why? Lack of service, failure to meet deadlines and quality issues are just some of the pain points for businesses that outsource their surface finishing requirements to a third party supplier.

Expect more from your surface coatings and plating applicator 

At Surface Technology we have been measuring customer satisfaction through regular surveys for several years in order to monitor what we are doing well and understand where there is room for improvement.

Our goal is to continuously improve the services we deliver for our customers and customer satisfaction surveys are an essential tool in helping us to shape Surface Technology for the better.

Since last year’s customer satisfaction survey we have made improvements to both operational and customer service processes. We have also worked to be more proactive in collaborating with our customers through hosting events and organising lunch and learn sessions.

In June we will be running this year’s customer satisfaction survey and we will once again be using the feedback from our customers to continue to working hard to deliver industry leading quality and service standards.

Contact us now to discuss your requirements and find out how we will deliver a better coating and plating service for you.


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